As Profiled In…

the 2013 edition of Vavasaur magazine

Mark Vavasaur Photo

Mark Kennedy


As a coach and workshop facilitator, I work with people in the areas of personal growth, relationships, and self-realization. My goal is to help my clients get clear on who they are and what they want in life – both business and personal – to turn their dreams into reality!

When I was young, I wanted to be a doctor. I felt that there was no greater gift than healing others, but I discovered that I didn’t like the traditional healthcare environment and lifestyle. Instead I turned to computers, loving their creative potential, and graduated from the University of Alberta with a degree in Computer Engineering. For the next seven years, I lived, worked, and travelled in Europe, Australia, Thailand, Africa and the Middle East. After returning to Canada, I began to find my career unfulfilling; despite working for all the best companies, I was not satisfied with what I was doing.

About nine years ago, a friend invited me to a men’s retreat, which opened my eyes, gave me a different perspective and presented new possibilities. Not long after, I attended another retreat – the Enlightenment Intensive. On the second day, I had an enlightenment experience. Within a few days, I resigned from my job and threw myself into discovering my life purpose. After five years of taking every course available and working in the field, I decided to open Kennedy Life Solutions. My teachers, recognizing my ability for the work, encouraged me to pursue it.

One of the workshops I offer, Fast Deep & Sexy, helps people who are searching for their perfect partner in life, looking to deepen their existing relationship, or wanting to regain the spark and passion in their life. Another workshop, the Enlightenment Intensive, is a 4-day residential course that gives clients the opportunity to get clear on who they are, what they’re doing and what they really want from life. Combined with transformational one-on-one coaching, these tools provide the foundation for creating the life that you choose.

This is your life. And time is short! Take a moment to step back and see what you really want – what’s working and what’s not. It’s OK to not know all the answers. Take some classes… See what other people have done… Ask for help… Be open to possibilities…

Have the courage to try something new. The key thing is action – if you don’t take action nothing will change.

I want people to lead truly extraordinary lives – driven with purpose and fueled by passion!